Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Laila Terry | 5 Tips on working in the business world by Peer Guide


5 Tips on working in the business world by Peer Guide Laila Terry


1.      Act professionally: Everyone you communicate with could be a lead to a job. It doesn’t matter if you are sending an   email to an old neighbor, chatting with fraternity alumni, meeting with a professor, or interacting with anyone else. Always treat every interaction as an opportunity to put your best self forward and show that you are a professional who can be counted on.

2.      Communicate: Most business leaders today did not grow up in an era with cell phones, let alone smartphones, text messaging, and Snapchat. While your friends might appreciate your LOLZ and can quickly decode your shorthand text messages, you should always use proper spelling and grammar for all communications related to business, and with anyone you interact with outside of your close circle of friends.

3.      College Students Should Grow Their network: The adults who are already a part of your life are a major asset when it comes time to find a job. Scout leaders, religious leaders, volunteer organizers, and old bosses are great references and outlets to find potential jobs when you graduate.

4.      Focus on the value you provide: School may have taught you that there are no winners or losers, but when you get into the real world there are no participation trophies. You have to prove your value in your interview, and continue to provide it every day at work. It is no longer about what you want, it is about what you offer.

  1. Don't forget to smile :)





Upcoming February Events

Spring 2023 CONNECT: The Faces of Business

Our Spring 2023 Keynote presenter is Omar G. Jorge Peña, CEO of Compare Foods in Charlotte and Chairman of Aurora Grocery Group.  CONNECT is a mini-conference for Belk College Black and Latinx students, alumni, and Charlotte professionals.  The event includes lunch, breakout professional development sessions, networking, and scholarship presentations.

When: Friday, March 17, 2023, Noon - 4:30 p.m.

Where: Popp Martin Student Union Third-Floor Salons






Thursday, February 9, 2023

Laila Terry | Tips for Making Friends on Campus


Tips for Making Friends on Campus

Peer Guide: Laila Terry

1. Go to Orientation

Whether you’re attending a large university with several orientation groups throughout the summer, or a smaller college with an orientation week before classes begin, go and make the most ofit.

2. Living Learning Communities (LLCs)

If you’re worried about finding people that have similar interests to you to hang out with, maybe a LLC is the place for you.

3. First-Year Seminars/Courses in Common

Some colleges and universities require students to enroll in a first-year seminar. These are usually writing-intensive courses and may count towards a general education requirement.

4. Join a Club

If you’re looking for a ready-made friend group on campus, the most logical thing to do is to join a club. After being in class all day and working on homework during downtime, you’re going to need something fun to do!

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Laila Terry | Peer Guide Mentorship Program + 7 Tips for Networking Success




The Peer Guide Mentorship Program provides individual professional development support to students by connecting participants with a Peer Guide. Peer Guides are encouraging new undergraduate business students who are interested in receiving individual career support and guidance to apply to the Peer Guide Mentorship Program for the Fall 2023 semester. Peer Guides are striving to connect with new students, especially underrepresented students (students of color, first-generation, low socioeconomic status). Each Peer Guide Mentor discusses career resources and shares their own experiences with navigating internships, career exploration, networking, and getting involved on campus. The program is a one-semester commitment and is individually designed to support students around their goals.


If you are interested in being a mentee, please fill out this link to a qualtrics form to apply for the program.


Please contact Brianna Davis at bdavi179@uncc.edu if you have any questions.



As a participant of the Peer Guide Mentorship Program, you will be able to:

      Identify the Niblock Student Center competencies.

      Clarify personal and professional development goals for the 2023-2024 year.

      Explore career resources and opportunities within the Niblock Student Center

      Connect with undergraduate business students at events and through the Mentorship Program


      Be actively involved and engaged within the program.

      Meet with your mentor twice per month throughout the semester.

      Attend at least two professional development events.

      Complete the professional development plan with your mentor



As a participant of the Peer Guide Mentorship Program, you will have the opportunity to participate in:

      A week-by-week guide to developing core competencies

      Organized goal setting with your mentor

      Create a career profile