Monday, December 12, 2022

Effective Time Management Tips: Preparing for Finals with Kiy

Hello Business Niners! We have made it to the end of the Fall semester and the BCOB Peer Guides would like to leave you with some Time Management tips especially with exams coming up!

  1. Prioritize your time wisely - Once you begin to organize your to-do list during Finals week remember to prioritize everything. You can do this by eliminating tasks that are not essential or important during this time. Then, think of 3-4 things that are most important to you to make sure you study and complete what is essential first.
  2. Set time limits for  tasks - One of the most important things when creating a schedule is to set a time limit for something instead of just studying/working until it's done. Creating a to-do list can also help but if you do not set time limits then you may not be able to get everything completed. The Pomodoro Technique is very useful and can help one to incorporate breaks.
  3. Learn to say no - You will never have alone time to study/ get tasks done if you do not learn to say no! You are the only person that knows what you truly have time for. Instead of completing tasks or agreeing to things that hold little to no value, complete and study for exams that will hold value for you in the future. Keep in mind the 80/20 rule which is 80 percent of your outcome comes from 20% of what you put in.
  4. Become organized! - Keep this at the top of your to-do list. If your desk or study area is piled up with papers or different things scattered around, you would not be able to focus properly and find what you need as you need it.
  5. Limit distractions - This can include searching the web aimlessly, social media, text messaging etc. Create time limits for when you will shut it all out to limit any interruptions. Close web browsers that you are not currently using and mute your messaging notifications so that you can have time alone.

These steps are important but also make sure to get a good night’s rest, drink enough water and eat healthily! 

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