Friday, September 20, 2019

5 Ways to Be Productive Within a Small Amount of Time

Throughout the day, you may have extra time in between classes, before work, when studying, or after attending an event. Those 10-20 minutes between events and tasks can add up to be 1 hour or more at the end of the day. How do you currently utilize this extra time? Are you interested in maximizing this time?

Here are 5 productive things you can do when you have a small amount of time:

  1. Plan ahead. Create a to-do list or utilize a calendar/planner to organize the things you want to accomplish by the end of the day. This helps you decide on what is most important and encourages you to be intentional about how you spend your day. If you have additional time, plan out the rest of the week or for the upcoming weekend. Here are some events happening this week in the Niblock Student Center.                                                                                                    
  2. Read. Before leaving for the day, pack a book you’ve been wanting to read but could not find time to do so. When you have a few minutes throughout the day, read a couple of pages from the book. See how much information you are able to retain within those few minutes. Also, there are apps you can download on your phone or tablet to read books on your device.

  1. Write in a journal. Utilize a journal to write any ideas, interests, or thoughts throughout the day. This can be helpful in expressing emotions, setting goals, or reflecting on events that happen within your day.

  1. Focus on a different task. I know this may seem counterproductive. However, taking a break from one task and focusing on another can be beneficial. You can increase your overall productivity level by taking a quick 10-minute walk, eating a snack, or completing a smaller task. In order to avoid burnout, you should give yourself time to focus on something else and then go back to the task once you have more energy to give it.

  1. Practice mindfulness. Take some time for yourself whether that includes setting intentions in the morning, breathing exercises, or listening to relaxing music. Practice focusing on the present and finding ways to achieve a clear mind. These activities range from 1 minute to 30 minutes and will provide you with a mental break during a full day of activity.

After reading this post, I hope you are inspired to calculate the amount of extra time you have between class, work, meetings, or other activities. This extra time can be used to manage your energy, learn about a new idea or topic, plan for the future, read, or keep you motivated throughout the day. Please remember that small amounts of time throughout the day can equal up to a larger amount of time at the end of the day.

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