Monday, April 22, 2019

Panama and Colombia: Global Marketing Practicum Spring Break Study Abroad Trip

Each year Professor Cindy Fox leads a class abroad during Spring Break. 
Location changes from year to year and the 2019 trip included visits to Panama and Colombia.

Participants meet a few times during the semester and then spend the week of Spring Break traveling to various cities learning about marketing from a global perspective. Students received class credit for MKTG 3000.

Hear from Maiah Dixon (BSBA Marketing and Innovation) who participated in the trip this year.

What did you do while there?
We visited a few different businesses in Bogota and Panama city. The visits included meetings with CEO's of large corporations, small start ups, and regional offices for larger international companies. We also did a lot of sightseeing of major landmarks and monuments. In Colombia we were able to venture outside of the city to see the Salt Cathedral. It is a huge underground cathedral inside a salt mine. 

What did you learn about marketing and/or business?
Marketing is different in Colombia and Panama in that they still follow many of the traditional methods of marketing with print, radio, or TV. These 3 are still king compared to social media or online methods. In the US, if your are not on social media or mobile friendly, your a basically irrelevant or will fall behind very quickly. The markets in these two countries still rely heavily on traditional marketing but there are deeper cultural influences. Everything must be uniquely Colombian or Panamanian to resonate with consumers. Companies must identify with this cultural perspective to stay relevant.

What did you do for fun?
We ate some great food. I was able to try a few traditional Colombia dishes like ajiaco. This is a cream based Colombian soup dish made with chicken, three types of potatoes, corn, avocado, and Galinsoga parviflora herb. I also had some arepas and a Colombian espresso coffee. As a group we took city tours in Botogta and Panama City, In Bogota we went to the mall and go to eat at a food court. It was interesting to see the similarities and differences between our two cultures. Going to various restaurants was my favorite part. I really enjoy experiencing a culture through its food. One of my favorite days was our last day of the trip in Panama. We went to this little island of the cost of Panama City Called Isla Tobago. It was a relaxing time to hangout on the beach and enjoy the ocean. The week was so much fun, but was packed with so many activities this was a great time to enjoy a slower pace and get reflect on the trip. 

How did you manage the cost of the trip?
I was able to rely on scholarship funds to cover most of my trip. I also have an on campus internship which helped to offset any other costs. 

Professor Fox is already planning for next year's trip with more details coming later this summer. Now is a good time to start saving up!

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