Monday, April 20, 2020

My WFH Schedule by Taylor Cox

BCOB Schedule

During this time there is so much to do with classes, families, and finding a job or internship for this summer. Everything seems to be out of control and you may find yourself missing assignments, meetings, or just small things like sending an email. I am here to tell you that you are NOT alone and many others, including myself, have been forgetful since coming home. In order to help combat this issue, I created a schedule to work from home, so if you are struggling as well, consider doing something similar! Here is my typical schedule throughout the week:

8:30 am - Get up and immediately get in the shower. After a shower, head downstairs to make myself a small breakfast

9 am - Start working! As a peer advisor, I am meeting with students, completing different projects, and doing campaigns for the BCOB. I work on M/W/F so on T/Th I am typically in classes or working on homework during this time.

12 pm - After working for a few hours, it’s time for lunch. I never sit at my desk and eat lunch. I always take this time to take a break, talk to my family, or just have some “me” time.

1 pm - My classes are typically starting at this point. I’m either in Business Analytics Programming or Business Communications at this time.

2:30 pm - As someone who is actively looking for an internship this summer, I use my time in between classes to apply for jobs, interview, or build my LinkedIn profile. I do this 2 days a week and spend the other 3 doing schoolwork.

4 pm - I am normally in my last class for the day at this point. I pay attention during my finance class and focus on our next test or project.

5:15 pm - At this time I typically spend until 6:30 doing homework or other school activities. This helps me stay on track in all of my classes.

6:30 pm - By this time I am 100% done with my day. I’ve spent almost 8 hours working and I spend the right of the night relaxing and have my own time. I spend the time with family, working out, and watching some of my favorite shows. By 11 I am back in bed and ready to get good sleep for the next day!

This is the schedule that works best for me. It’s all about what works best for you personally and changing this to match your class schedule! It’s hard taking classes full time, working a part-time job, and finding a job or internship for this summer. Keep powering through it and finish up this semester!

Some big tips I have to stay on schedule are:

Don’t stay in bed - Get up and get ready for the day! Staying in bed will make you never want to get up. Wake up and hop in the shower to start your day.

Take time for yourself - No matter how your schedule looks, always make sure you have time to relax and take a break.

Continue to be active - I typically get up from my desk at least every 30 minutes to walk downstairs, to the bathroom, or just go on a quick stroll around the house. This helps take a short break and to still stay active. I also do a workout at the end of the night to tire me out and help get a good night’s sleep.

Each day is a little different, but staying busy works for me and helps keep me focused. Make sure you stay safe, stay healthy, and finish this semester strong! For questions about time management or life while at home, feel free to contact me at

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