Thursday, March 25, 2021

Multiply your Success with the Math Learning Center!

 By Bailey Harris, Belk College of Business Peer Advisor

Are you a business major and you tend to struggle with Math classes?

Well you are in the right place.

Part of being a business student at UNC-Charlotte is getting through those necessary math classes that are required in our business progression courses in order to declare your upper-level major. STAT 1220 and MATH 1120 can be a challenge for some students while other students are very successful in it, we are all different. If you are one of those students that doesn’t enjoy math and have difficulty understanding the material then I definitely encourage you to keep reading.

First off, recognize that it is normal to struggle in math classes and that you are not alone in this challenge. Students all over campus have difficulties in math classes no matter their major.  Luckily, the university offers various resources you can utilize to help strengthen your math comprehension skills and to ultimately successfully get through these challenging math classes. The main resource we are going to discuss is The Math Learning Center and the benefits of attending the tutoring sessions.

What is the Math Learning Center?

-          The Math Learning Center is a place for all of your mathematical needs. The Math Learning Center offers drop-in and by appointment tutoring for MATH and STAT classes to any enrolled student regardless of major or academic standing and there are no additional costs for attending a session. They have trained tutors that are there to patiently guide you through the math concepts and classes that are giving you some level of difficulty.

How do I attend MATH Drop-In Tutoring?

-          During the Spring 2021 semester, the Math Learning Center is only offering virtual math tutoring to students. Attending MATH and STAT drop in tutoring is very easy with just a click of a button on their main website and that brings you straight into the drop-in tutoring zoom call. The image below shows you the exact button you need to press to be taking to the Math Drop-In Tutoring Zoom link. Expect to have your name, your course including section number, your instructor’s name, and the specific topic that you are seeking help with prepared before for the session. The drop in hours of the Math Learning Center are as follows:

       Monday-Thursday: 1:00pm-9:00pm

       Friday-Saturday: 1:00pm-5:00pm

What subjects do they offer MATH Drop-In Tutoring for?

-          The Math Learning Center offers tutoring for MATH and STAT classes that range from lower level 900s to the higher level courses in the 3000s. That means whether you are in MATH 1120 or even STAT 1220 you are able to utilize the Math Learning Center to help you with any course concepts that are challenging to you.

How was attending MATH Drop-In Tutoring beneficial?

-          After attending the Math Drop-In Tutoring, I understand the many benefits of going to the drop-in tutoring sessions. One of those reasons is because by attending these tutoring sessions you get other perspectives from the tutor that the professor for the class may not be able to offer you. You have the ability to look at problems in a different way than you did before. You can learn new strategies to and ways to study for upcoming exams or homework. With drop-in tutoring, you have the ability to drop into the tutoring sessions whenever you are available during the drop-in hours that are offered meaning you can work around your time commitments to go when it is most convenient for you. With the Math Drop-In tutoring sessions you are allowed to come in small groups. Small group tutoring sessions give you the opportunity to be in a group with fellow classmates or people who may have similar questions or struggles as you do. All of the tutors for the Math Learning Center are math majors and are trained to answer your questions as thoroughly as possible to ensure you have a good understanding of the material.

What other services are offered through the Math Learning Center?

-          The Math Learning Center also offers by appointment tutoring. You are able to schedule a time to meet with a tutor of your choice to discuss the different topics you are struggling with or to even just prepare for an exam. There are ten different trained math tutors from the Math Learning Center that you can pick from and each of them are tutors for specific math courses. If you are interested in scheduling an appointment with a Math Learning Center Tutor go the Directory List. The image below shows the screen you should be on and gives your proper instructions on what you need to have for the appointment and how to book one.

The Math Learning Center was created to help students succeed and grow in mathematical comprehension so I urge you to take advantage of this resource that the university is providing to you. All you have to do is take the step to drop-in or schedule an appointment with one of their tutors. You’ll never truly know the benefits of the Math Learning Center unless you check it out yourself. 

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